Ghi chú Bá Nhan Hốt Đô

  1. L. Carrington Goodrich, L. Chaoying Fang (1976). Dictionary of Ming Biography, 1368-1644: Volume I. Columbia University Press. tr. 1291–1292.
  2. L. Carrington Goodrich, L. Chaoying Fang (1976). Dictionary of Ming Biography, 1368-1644: Volume I. Columbia University Press. tr. 1291–1292.
  3. L. Carrington Goodrich, L. Chaoying Fang (1976). Dictionary of Ming Biography, 1368-1644: Volume I. Columbia University Press. tr. 1291–1292.
  4. Keith McMahon (2016). Celestial Women: Imperial Wives and Concubines in China from Song to Qing. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. tr. 66–67.
  5. 《元史卷114》: 后性節儉,不妬忌,動以禮法自持。第二皇后奇氏素有寵,[16]居興聖西宮,帝希幸東內。后左右以為言,后無幾微怨望意。從帝時巡上京,次中道,帝遣內官傳旨,欲臨幸,后辭曰:「暮夜非至尊往來之時。」內官往復者三,竟拒不納,帝益賢之。帝嘗問后:「中政院所支錢糧,皆傳汝旨,汝還記之否?」后對曰:「妾當用則支。關防出入,必己選人司之,妾豈能盡記耶?」居坤德殿,終日端坐,未嘗妄踰戶閾。
  6. L. Carrington Goodrich, L. Chaoying Fang (1976). Dictionary of Ming Biography, 1368-1644: Volume I. Columbia University Press. tr. 1291–1292.
  7. Lily Xiao Hong Lee, Sue Wiles (2014). Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women, Volume II: Tang Through Ming 618-1644. Routledge. tr. 303.
  8. Hiệp Tử Kỳ 《Thang Mộc Tử》, quyển 3 thượng,Trung Hoa thư cục hiệu bản,trang 45,năm 1959。